Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 5 Hardware

This week in IST 195, we discussed computer hardware. The CorkChain will be run based on servers through a central location. It is of the utmost importance to have computers that are up to date and running fast. There is no point in going cheap and having hardware that will eventually fail within a few years. I would like to get to specifics on what we will be using. We will be running on Apple Mac OSX Server machines. They are easy to set up, easy to link across networks, and overall have an ease of use. Not the mention how ascetically pleasing they look.

The use of Mac Server will integrate all of our systems and make life more convenient for employees. Using a mac, we will be able to track sales records, inventory, stock, and order status. Makes and models are also important. We will not be investing in small Mac Mini's. We will be using a Mac Pro as our main server and have every employee working on an iMac with a Macbook Pro for use when traveling or when at home. It is also necessary to talk about internals. We will be using solid state drives because they are fast and reliable. We will be using Ultra DDR3 Ram because of speed and only the newest Sandy Bridge Intel Core i7 Processors.

Finally, I would like to talk about the human interaction with technology. We will also be setting up a costumer support line with access directly integrated into the computers. For example, all employee help lines will be linked into to google voice and there will be a Skype integration account. In this day and age, it is absolutely imperative that all businesses run on technology. With proper servers and systems, this is a feasible plan. It can be a total success if all comes together and runs properly. Anyway, that is it for this blog. I'll be back next week. I like how the CorkChain is coming along and am considering actually taking the idea and making it a reality.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 4 Security, Privacy, and Excel

In the past week of IST 195, we learned about Social Networking Security, Privacy, and how to make excel sheets. The Corkchain will have fan pages on facebook and a twitter page. It is necessary to get the word out about it. The main issue will be privacy and security. Since we will only be a fan page, security will not be the biggest of issues but when we eventually roll out the product and create a site that would have to be secure. We would most likely make our site public because we would like to sell as many units as possible in the soonest time.

The marketing aspect to the CorkChain will have to be done through Microsoft Excel. We will need to graph our sales, projections, and our assets. It is of utmost importance that we keep track of all finances because if not, it can be EXTREMELY detrimental to our company. We would have inaccurate tax statements and we could possibly be audited if there isn't some order to the finances. I believe that computers are essential to have in any business and good use should be made of them.

In an overall sense, Security, Privacy, and Spreadsheets can be the essentials to success in a work environment. It is important that everything works flawlessly so business that run as usual. It is important that a business is secure. It is also important that a business is well run. My idea is for a safe, well run, hands on environment. I like the casual work environment and would like run a casual yet productive business. That's all for this week. Check in next time on my entrepreneurial idea. goodnight.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is the CorkChain? Week 3 Social Media

Imagine it's that festive time of the week. You want to pop open that bottle of wine or that bottle of sparkling cider (for those of us under 21) Enter the problem. You don't have a corkscrew to open that cork. Enter the CorkChain. The CorkChain is an idea inspired by the laziest of all human beings. The keychain bottle opener has become almost a necessity these days. Why not have a corkscrew on your keychain? A corkscrew is the preferred way of opening bottles with corks these days. It is safe, efficient, and does no damage to the glass bottle. The CorkChain will further simplify opening bottles and soon eliminate the need for a household corkscrew. The CorkChain is a portable corkscrew that clips onto your keys and stays clipped on for easy access.

This past week, we learned about the power of social networking in IST 195. I have only come up with this idea because I constantly see my Facebook "friends" posting about how they don't have a corkscrew and they need one. Through the power of social media, I have put this idea out on Twitter and have received a general positive response. While I doubt that I will actually produce a physical model of this, I really do like the idea and through the power of the internet, I feel as if I will be able to make this widely popular.

I have realized that through the power of social networking, I am able to contact others who share the same interests as me. I'm willing to bet that I will be able to find many other people who will support this idea. The main design oaf this will be a retractable corkscrew with foam padding on it so it is comfortable in pockets/purses/carrying cases. I plan to get this idea out and hopefully this idea can turn into a successful entrepreneurship project. That's my introduction. Goodnight and good luck. Maybe this can become something. Who knows? Till next time.

-Jordan Elkin