In the past week of IST 195, we learned about Social Networking Security, Privacy, and how to make excel sheets. The Corkchain will have fan pages on facebook and a twitter page. It is necessary to get the word out about it. The main issue will be privacy and security. Since we will only be a fan page, security will not be the biggest of issues but when we eventually roll out the product and create a site that would have to be secure. We would most likely make our site public because we would like to sell as many units as possible in the soonest time.
The marketing aspect to the CorkChain will have to be done through Microsoft Excel. We will need to graph our sales, projections, and our assets. It is of utmost importance that we keep track of all finances because if not, it can be EXTREMELY detrimental to our company. We would have inaccurate tax statements and we could possibly be audited if there isn't some order to the finances. I believe that computers are essential to have in any business and good use should be made of them.
In an overall sense, Security, Privacy, and Spreadsheets can be the essentials to success in a work environment. It is important that everything works flawlessly so business that run as usual. It is important that a business is secure. It is also important that a business is well run. My idea is for a safe, well run, hands on environment. I like the casual work environment and would like run a casual yet productive business. That's all for this week. Check in next time on my entrepreneurial idea. goodnight.
Hey Jordan! Just about every company today is using social medias to advertise what they are selling, but are there any "no no" as to what should be posted? Obviously they shouldn't have they SS# or credit card # out, but smaller things like their name or personal information, if they are willing to share it. Would it really be better to have just 1 twitter page and 1 facebook page or can there be multiple twitters and facebooks to help space out the incoming messages and have your employees communicate with customers anytime they want. Overall, I believe you gotta get started to see what you really need first!