Monday, October 31, 2011

All Black Everything

 This is my final journal entry. I have overall enjoyed this process of writing a blog. I think that my idea for the CorkChain has made for a fun project that can actually go places. In all honesty, I thought of this idea because of a friend of mine drunkenly busted into my room one Sunday asking if I had a bottle opener. No worries, this friend was over 21 but I explained that I didn't have one. I then realized I had my keys in my pocket with my bottle opener for such drinks as root beer, classic soda bottles and all drinks that are totally alcohol free. I then thought, what if I can open any bottle, cork or cap, with one device that comfortably fits snug in my pocket. I then elaborated on this idea and decided to make it. I am currently working on a prototype that can actually be used and am actually considering putting this into production. One day, this can be a big idea. I enjoyed writing blogs every week, preferably at almost 11:59 every monday and reading it over at 2am and being like, CRAP, I made a typo and have to go back and correct it. I had a great time doing this and this project taught me how to run and maintain a blog. Blogging has always been fun but I decided to never actually do it. This project forced me to write a blog and it has been a great, enriching experience. Well, thats all for my blog. It was a great time and this is me, Jordan, signing off for the last time. Comments attached at the bottom. Peace team, finally, from IST 195.



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